Don't leave me hanging on!

Don’t you just hate it when you’re looking for a decent tutorial and someone started a great tutorial on their blog but decided to serialise it and then never got round to completing it so you’re left high and dry part way through. Here’s my tip to anyone who wants to present a serialised tutorial: […]

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Birthdays and Babies gave me klout

Is true influence measurable? According to Klout, a birthday and the arrival of a new baby have rendered me 25% more influential over the past month and a half. In mid May, I had a birthday and received a number of wall post greetings from my network of friends on Facebook and then earlier this […]

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Keeping the lid on your cookie jar

There’s been a lot of noise in the past few days about the EU Cookie law and how it affects website owners in the UK and EU. The EU outlawed the practice of dropping of cookies without users consent on May 26th 2011. And at midnight last Friday night, 25th May 2012 millions of website owners […]

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Developing engaging content in 5 minutes

How can you develop engaging content in five minutes? Seriously, you can’t but it should only take you five minutes to read this straight forward overview.  When considering developing content for your company website for the first time you’d be forgiven for thinking that that it’s like developing a company brochure – after all you […]

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The impersonal face of social

Social media for the majority is about interaction, engagement and relationship building – yes as marketers and business owners we use it to build our networks and maybe generate a few leads and ultimately win business and for some it’s there to be abused and a vehicle for spam. Bad The proliferation of spam will […]

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Small acts with a long reach

Recently I read an article about a couple from Cambridgeshire in the UK who won £108M on the national lottery and drew up a list of the 20 people that had helped them the most throughout their lives to turn into instant millionaires by way of a thank you. It got me thinking – out […]

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To pop or not to pop, that is the question

We want your email addresses – we want to send you a series of carefully crafted marketing messages that will gently pervade your psyche and convince you that our product or service is the answer to a specific need. Sign-ups and subscriptions are the staple of the online marketer and the lengths that some marketers […]

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What are you going to do today?

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always had. In his latest book, Poke the Box, highlights the error of associating risk with failure, he defines anxiety as experiencing failure before it’s happened and encourages us to start something. What are you going to start today to positively change […]

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