Imagine for a moment that you’re shopping in the high street and you walk into a store looking for a particular widget but you can’t find it on the shelves, so you ask an assistant for help. Consider these two possible responses: Response one The assistant scratches his head a little and looks a bit […]
Continue readingIn such a vast industry as Internet marketing and web development it’s not surprising that the quality and credibility of practitioners ranges from charlatans to the saints. The industry has no regulations nor governing body and very little legislation – on one hand this can be a good thing because it embodies the free spirit […]
Continue readingIf you were to drive your car wearing really dark glasses and earplugs with no dashboard instruments, how would that feel? Apart from the jokers in the pack who might suggest “like a BMW driver”, when I’ve asked this question before the general consensus is “out of control”. By removing or dramatically reducing the feedback […]
Continue readingThere are lots of things to consider when looking for the right service provider to design and build your web site for you. You will no doubt have lots of questions. If you want to find a great team who will deliver you a winning site then these would be the top 3 crap opening […]
Continue readingWe’re half way through the year and if you’re anything like me then my guess is that you’re thinking it only seems like a few weeks ago since you were wishing people a happy new year and looking forward to an exciting and challenging year ahead. How SMART have you been so far? For example […]
Continue readingBefore you rush off headlong and start setting up Facebook pages, Google+ pages and Twitter accounts for your business think about why you are doing it and what benefits you want from them. Someone’s going to have to look after this Above all remember that someone will have to be responsible for generating content and […]
Continue readingRunning a business is time consuming and it’s so easy for us to to get bogged down with the day to day ignoring even simple marketing activities that can help bring in more customers and increase your sales revenues. I am as guilty as the next man in this so I’m making steps to improve […]
Continue readingThe conversation goes like this: Me: What’s your number one internet marketing goal? Client: We want to be on the first page of Google. Me: Tell me why. Client: Because that’ll give us more sales. Me: OK. How’s your website performing right now? Client: Well we don’t get that many enquiries. Me: Why do you […]
Continue readingIs true influence measurable? According to Klout, a birthday and the arrival of a new baby have rendered me 25% more influential over the past month and a half. In mid May, I had a birthday and received a number of wall post greetings from my network of friends on Facebook and then earlier this […]
Continue readingWhen someone throws a message in a bottle into the ocean they want that message to be read by someone who will respond. Imagine you’re the person seeking to have your message read. What comes first the message or the bottle? The message, right? Without a message there is no need for the bottle. Throwing […]
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