Archive Monthly Archives: September 2013

I haven't got one but Jim does

Imagine for a moment that you’re shopping in the high street and you walk into a store looking for a particular widget but you can’t find it on the shelves, so you ask an assistant for help. Consider these two possible responses: Response one The assistant scratches his head a little and looks a bit […]

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Under the hood: Domain names explained

We all know about web addresses right? But what do we know about domain names? This is the first in a series of under the hood articles for those who’d like a more in depth knowledge and understanding of how the Internet works on a more technical level. This article seeks to demystify the world […]

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Lessons from a 4 year-old

Today is my daughter Lilli’s first day in primary school, so there’s been a lot of excitement in our house over the past few days. It’s a milestone event in anyone’s life – we all remember our first day at school –  a day that’s loaded with emotion and sentiment. Kids are excited and sometimes […]

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Is your internet marketing system dumb?

If you were to drive your car wearing really dark glasses and earplugs with no dashboard instruments, how would that feel? Apart from the jokers in the pack who might suggest “like a BMW driver”, when I’ve asked this question before the general consensus is “out of control”. By removing or dramatically reducing the feedback […]

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I Want You!

I want you out sells I need you. No-one walks into an Apple store needing a new iPad or MacBookPro or iMac but virtually everyone who does wants one! And if they didn’t before they went in they very soon do. That’s the way with all but the essential purchases in life, need is secondary […]

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